James Monroe Iglehart Became a Jazz Lover for A Wonderful World: The Louis Armstrong Musical
It’s almost as if James Monroe Iglehart was born to play jazz legend Louis Armstrong. “I identify with him a lot,” he told The Broadway Show. “I identify with a guy who literally just wants to be on stage and play, and really doesn’t want to deal with the rest of the world.”
A Wonderful World: The Louis Armstrong Musical, starring Igelhart, opens at Studio 54 on November 11. Darlesia Cearcy, Dionne Figgins, Kim Exum and Jennie Harney-Fleming, who play Armstrong’s wives in the musical, told The Broadway Show about the appeal of Louis’ story and the power of jazz.
“It’s so based in the human experience and relating us to each other,” said Harney-Fleming. “That’s what art is, you know, when you boil it down. And I think it’s so raw in jazz, especially jazz of that era, coming straight out of the blues and ragtime, and coming straight out of pain and coming straight out of Beale Street, and Bourbon Street, and Basin Street, and these places that were so fraught with tension that they had to have something beautiful come out of it.”
“I’m not a jazzy guy,” said Iglehart. “I became one. But now I’m like, this is it.”
Check out the full video segment below.